VGo for schools with homebound and hospital bound students
VGo is being used successfully today by schools for their students who can’t physically go to school due to an illness, accident or medical condition. VGo gets the student back to the tradional schooling environment by providing a physical device that replicates the student while away from hospital. It is operated in real-time by the student (not the teacher or an aid) so they feel empowered with their independence. VGo enables students to:
- Receive the same instruction as their peers
- Move around/between classrooms independently
- Socialize with friends in the hallways and at lunch
- Participate in a full school day with their classmates

Hundreds of schools are implementing VGo in their homebound programs to serve students who are capable of learning, but can't be in school physically. The reasons for not being in school are many, but the benefits are the same. Parents, teachers and students want those benefits whether they are needed for a month or for years.
Shorter term absences include: Longer term absences include:
Cancer Treatments - Immune Deficiencies
Car Accidents - SMA
Surgical Recovery - Severe Allergies
Cystic Fibrosis - Kidney Disease
Sports Injuries - Spinabifida
Teen Pregnancies
What Educators are Saying About VGo
“VGo has provided connectivity to the school that some students may not be able to otherwise experience. The ability to participate in class, collaborate with peers and socialize as a typical student, have been extremely positive and rewarding for all.”
“VGo creates wonderful opportunities for students to access their education when they are unable to attend school. I can see tremendous possibilities for VGo’s use in the future and look forward to having this option for students.”

While many prefer their privacy, here are published reports on real-life students using VGo to attend school:
Download a white paper about how VGo enables homebound students with special health needs to attend school.
Read the Homebound Remote Student Case Study and ROI
Read more about some of our users in the news
Watch videos of VGo in use in healthcare settings